Dream Girls Marquee, London

by Marcy Wielfaert
Dream Girls Marquee, London
Marcy Wielfaert
Photograph - Photography
It was New Years Eve, and my husband and I were in London taking in the sights on a double decker red bus. Having no definite plans for the evening, we thought it might be nice to just hop on first bus that came along and ride it to the last stop on the line. It would be fun to see where we ended up, and we had plenty of time to be out for a long time before the fireworks started at midnight and the crowds would be in the streets. Along the way, I grabbed several shots from the bus window , and this "Dream Girls" marquee was one of them. I like the way it looked and just hope someone else will also! Enlarged to a good size and framed, this image makes a great pop art piece.
August 31st, 2019
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