Jumpin' Good Country Store

by Marcy Wielfaert
Jumpin' Good Country Store
Marcy Wielfaert
Photograph - Photography
Yes, we stopped at the Jumpin' Good Country Store out in the middle of nowhere near Buena Vista, Colorado! What initially attracted us was the "Turn here for Goat Farm" sign. Needing a break from the confines of the car on this most pleasant winter day in January, a goat farm somehow sounded intriguing and strangely compelling. So we turned and headed down a gravel lane, and before too long, we arrived. Oddly enough, we saw not one goat! But this wonderful little store, with its interesting name, was sitting right there advertising goat cheese and other goodies. The story came to a quick end, however, when we saw that the lights were off, and the quirky little store was closed. We did get our break, got out the car, and walked around a bit taking a few pictures and then proceeded on our route to Colorado Springs.
February 6th, 2020