Haunted Jail of Charleston, South Carolina

by Marcy Wielfaert
Haunted Jail of Charleston, South Carolina
Marcy Wielfaert
Photograph - Photography
The Old Charleston Jail is a site of historical and architectural significance in Charleston, South Carolina. Operational between 1802 and 1939, it held many notable figures, among them Denmark Vesey, Union officers during the Civil War, high-seas pirates, and Lavinia Fisher. While it has become a popular tourist destination in recent years, it remains one of the most notable historic sites in Charleston that has not been the target of a comprehensive preservation and/or renovation effort. It is also commonly referred to as the Old City Jail by the people of Charleston, South Carolina. Included along the route of popular ghost tours and historic carriage rides through the city, narrators share accounts of horrific occurrences that have taken place here. Others are sure to mention that it is a haunted place, making it all the more mysterious and appealing to the thousands of tourists that come to Charleston each year.
March 27th, 2021