Go Gently Into That Good Night

by Marcy Wielfaert
Go Gently Into That Good Night
Marcy Wielfaert
Photograph - Photography
Sometimes the end of a summer day is like fireworks lighting up the sky with dramatic colors, bursts of warm hues, and it can go on and on even after the sun disappears behind the horizon. The afterglow can literally set the whole sky on fire! And then there are those lovely, gentle, serene sunsets where the sun kind of sneaks away very quieltly and there's no fanfare or blazing skies. Both are great, and I do enjoy both very much. On this night, though, it was the latter. My husband and I had finished a wonderful picnic dinner on the top of Max Patch mountain where the North Carolina and Tennessee state lines meet, and the Appalachian Trails goes across the top of the mountain. It was incredibly tranquil with a soft pastel sky, and then the sun had set and the comforting night noises of nature on a summer evening started heralding nightfall. It was a special moment that I hope I always remember.
November 3rd, 2019
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