Dare To Be Different

by Marcy Wielfaert
Dare To Be Different
Marcy Wielfaert
Photograph - Photography
One of my favorite things to do, especially in the Fall, is to go to the Great Smoky Mountains National Par walk through the woods looking for things that are our of the ordinary. On a grand day in November last year, I was doing a little exploring in the Tremont area, along Little River Road, just taking my time to get a few stream pictures and enjoying swishing through the fallen leaves, when I noticed this bright yellow patch of leaves with the sunlight streaming thhrough and hitting them just right, so I went over to the area to take a picture. As I moved closer in, I noticed one little berry like bloom in the middle of all of these yellow leaves. Although I searched to see if there were more, this was the only one! Unfortunately I have no idea what this is, but I'm still hoping to find out. I loved the way the red stood out among the yellow and decided that this image was a keeper!
February 19th, 2019